Westman Communications Group Viewing Lounge is the perfect private room to view a Brandon Wheat Kings game, for holiday parties, staff appreciation functions, or VIP accommodations. This private viewing suite overlooks Westoba Place and is serviced by a private bar.
Room Details
Location : Upper LevelDimention : 30' x 44'Square Foot : 1,320 ft²Ceiling Height : 9'10"Flooring : CarpetMax Capacity : 110 approx.Theatre Seating : 110 approx.Banquet Seating : 48 approx.Enterances : Double doors (1)Lighting : Fluorescent - on/off switch; Dimmable pot light switch
- Washrooms: Men’s and Women’s
- Bar window: Shared bar with Assembly Hall
- Room divider: Opens into the Assembly Hall
- Coat Rack: Fixed (inside main entrance)
- Lower viewing level: 10 bar stools with 5 cocktail tables
- Window: Overlooks Westoba Place Arena (South wall)
- Fixed TV (east wall)
- XLR input (1) (west wall)
- Fixed house speakers (linkable with Assembly Hall)
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